Poetry: Finished

Jim McIntosh, N.B.

Tetelestai! What a word
From the lips of Jesus heard,
From the Cross of shame and woe
Pitched upon Golgotha's brow!

Tetelestai! Can it be
The Lamb of God would die for me
Would bow His holy sinless head
And all His blood for my sins shed?

Tetelestai! What a cry
From One who was about to die;
Loud, triumphant, glorious shout
That forever dispels doubt!

Tetelestai! What a Lamb!
None other than the Great I Am,
Shedding blood of greater worth
Than all other blood of earth.

Tetelestai! How can I
Be any less than satisfied,
When God declares the work is done
Fully accomplished in His Son.

Tetelestai! All is done.
God is glorified in Son.
Justice Divine is satisfied,
Since "It is finished!" Jesus cried.