Memorial: Douglas Howard

Robert McIlwaine

The first time I met brother Douglas Howard was at a Pugwash Junction conference about 1944. He was a dynamic gospel preacher, and a very good singer which was a great plus in pioneer work in the early days in tent work, etc. He spent a few years in Newfoundland with Mr. Herb Harris. He also spent time on the MGM with Mr. Harris, Bert Joyce and others around the shores of Newfoundland and Labrador, preaching from the deck with the loud speaker, to scores of people on the wharf of little fishing villages.

I had two series of meetings in N.S. in the early years before he moved to western USA in 1969 with his wife and family. Upon his return to Nova Scotia in 1994, we had three series together, which I enjoyed very much. Doug was ajoy to work with. He had a happy smile for everyone, and was always ready to help in any situation. In the fifty-nine years of service in the Lord’s work, he saw many souls saved.

He told me more than once that although most Christians would rather go at the rapture rather than through death, he said he would like to experience being with the Lord in the unclothed state, and also experience the resurrection. So after his work was finished here on earth, the Lord of the harvest gave him his desire and took him home quickly to join all those servants of the Lord that have gone on before. His last series was with brother Murray McCandless which he finished just two weeks before he died.

It was kind of God to allow brother Howard and his wife to get settled in Moncton in a new apartment that their son Steve built onto his own house, just a few weeks ago, so that Mrs. Howard has not been left alone. How good is the God we adore. We are poorer with the loss of men that have been faithful for so many years. Much more could be said, however the judgment seat is just ahead, where everything will be evaluated properly by the Lord Himself.