Questions & Answers

Harold S. Paisley

Question: In Luke 22:14, we read, "When the hour was come He sat down and the twelve apostles with Him." Has this any reference to the breaking of bread meeting today? Is there any remedy for the constant late arrival of some to the Lord’s Supper?

Answer: The Scripture has one primary meaning, but applications are of great value. The above words can be used in relationship to the gathering of the saints to break bread, if only by way of punctuality and Godly order set by the Lord Jesus Himself. Every believer should be in his place before the appointed hour, so that, reverently, the worship and remembrance may be uninterrupted. Since elder brethren are responsible for the order and holiness of the assembly, they have a deep obligation to correct this manifest disorder of habitual late-coming. As there may be good reason for some being late on an occasion, care should be exercised to handle such a case in grace. If the condition is carelessness or lack of spiritual exercise, the precept of Gal. 6:1 seems applicable, "Restore in the spirit of meekness, one overtaken in a fault." Habitual late coming is grieving to the Holy Spirit, disturbing to the saints, and dishonoring to the Lord Jesus who is in the midst. It, therefore, calls for action, lest others will follow the offender.

Question: Will sinners who hear and reject the gospel have another opportunity of being saved after the Lord comes for His children?

Answer: There is no indication of the possibility of such souls ever having a further offer of salvation. It is conclusive from the plain words of 2 Thes. 2:10-12 that all hope of salvation is removed from grace-rejectors following the Rapture. "God shall send them strong delusion, who believed not the truth that they might all be damned." These are solemn words and their truth cannot be denied.

If any preach or teach that Christ-rejecting sinners will have offers of salvation after the present age of grace is past, they add to God’s precious word and encourage sinners to continue in evil, counting on mercy later which shall never come. The urgency of receiving God’s great salvation today is a vital truth to be impressed upon the lost.

Question: Is it Scriptural to state when preaching the gospel that the words of Isa. 53:6 are true of all men? Some when speaking to a seeking soul have presented the word wrongly by saying because "the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all," therefore the sins of all unsaved ones cannot be on them, but on Christ. Is this a true way to present the way of salvation?

Answer: Primarily, these words are the open confession of the repentant remnant of Israel in a future day when owning their guilt and sin will own the Lord Jesus as their Messiah and sin bearing Saviour. The words of this precious text are only true in this age on the lips of those who have been led by the Spirit of God to own their sin and lawlessness and have known by faith that the Lord Jesus was the one who "bore our sins in His own body on the tree" (1 Peter 2:24). Scripture plainly indicates that the sins of all unbelievers are on themselves, and if they die in them they will bear the penalty in Hell forever (John 8:26). However, Christ died for the ungodly and any sinner awakened to His grave state of being lost and perishing who repents and believes the gospel will be able then to confess Christ as the one who died in his place. There is today the serious danger of reasoning souls into profession of faith from a mental argument. Let all who preach Christ act with care in speaking to souls, remembering that "Salvation is of the Lord." It should be understood that the work of Christ on the cross is sufficient for all, however, it is only upon all them that believe. The blood of Christ has provided a full propitiation (satisfaction) and a righteous standing is available to all who believe.

Question: How can I understand "the millenium"?

Answer: Millenium is a Latin word for "a thousand years." It has its origin in Revelation 20:1-15 where a period of a thousand years is mentioned six times. During this time Satan will be bound with a seal set upon him in the bottomless pit. Persons who were beheaded for their witness are raised to reign with Christ, others of the dead will not live until the thousand years terminate. Again at the end of the period, Satan will be loosed. Paul predicts that this created earth has a "hope" and will be delivered from the corruption of the curse (Rom. 8:17-26/Gen. 3:17-18). This is the glorious liberty of the children of God. Peter describes that the Lord’s return in visible appearing will introduce "The times of the restitution of all things" (Acts 3:2-21). The millenial reign of Christ is a definite time when He will reign on and over the earth and all creation.

Those who look for the visible return of the Lord to the Mount of Olives preceding His earthly kingdom understand that there is sound reason to believe in a literal visible return of the Christ to establish a literal millenium of peace. This is the accepted belief of all who are pre-millenialists. The "Hope" of the Church is the imminent coming of the Lord for His people, to catch them up to meet Him in the air. The further "blessed hope" is that they with Him, seven years later, will come back to earth with Christ to reign.

Those called post-millennialists hold that Christ will return after the millenium. A-millenialists deny that there will be a millennial reign on earth. We thank God our hope is that Christ shall reign literally for one thousand years.