Questions & Answers

Harold S. Paisley

Question: Could an explanation be given why Matthew writes of two blind men at Jericho (Matt. 20:30), yet Mark and Luke mention only one (Mark 10:46; Luke 18:35)? Are these different incidents or the same?

Answer: Various explanations have been given. Some see distinct and differing occasions. It is our understanding that the same event is in view by each writer. Matthew mentions two blind men of Jericho, whereas the other synoptists speak of only one. He also writes of two demoniacs of Gadara, while Mark and Luke name only one. Matthew speaks of an ass and a colt being used by the Lord on His entry into Jerusalem, whereas the others of a colt alone. It appears therefore, that Matthew was recording an eye witness account of what he had seen, hence the added detail. Would it not seem that one of the two in each incident was more prominent. Bartimeaus is named as one of the blind men, Legion one of the demoniacs and the colt is named as being the animal on which the Lord rode. We are sure the accounts are not contradictory but reveal the independence of the writers. Greater detail by Matthew is required to present the clear picture of the one event in which the grace and compassion of Christ is displayed.

It may also be stated that Matthew is dispensational in character. The Lord is presented as the Messiah of Israel by a Jew and since competent witness was established in the mouth of two or three, it would appear to be in agreement with the purpose of the gospel to mention two blind men and two demoniacs.


Question: What is the meaning of the imminency of the Lord’s return?

Answer: The use of the word imminency is a scriptural expression meaning that our Lord Jesus Christ could return for the saints of this age at any moment. No prophetic happening has to be fulfilled or take place before this return.

Some scriptures plainly state the fact of imminency as Philippians 3:20 "our conversation is

in heaven from whence also we look for the Saviour." Again we read in 1 Thess. 1:9 of the believers waiting for the Son of God from heaven. Maranatha, meaning "oh Lord come" was one of the greetings of the early believers (1 Cor. 16:22). The final words of Christ also express His imminent return. "Surely I come quickly" (Rev. 22:20). John in the spirit of expectancy of the event answered "Even so come, Lord Jesus." It is evident that the certainty of imminency was the proper hope of New Testament believers, and also of all in the church age.

The practical effect of this blessed hope is comforting in times of sorrow and difficulty and a wonderful incentive to witness, worship and work for the soon coming Saviour who may return at any moment.


Question: I have heard from the platform the Lord Jesus spoken of as the God-man. Is this a suitable designation of His person?

Answer: It is always advisable to adhere to the words of Scripture when speaking of the person of our blessed Lord. By speaking of Him as the "God-man" the idea of some supernatural man may be conjectured to the mind.

Such a title also makes the name of God an adjective which is unknown to theology (the study of God). The Scriptures of divine truth present the Lord in incarnation as possessing two perfect natures in His one glorious person. These two are never to be separated. The usage of statements saying the "as man" He did certain things, and "as God" other acts, should be avoided. Human logic cannot comprehend the mystery of His person. The great truth known as hypostatic union, is the union of two perfect natures in one. Diety and humanity in equal relationship is in one alone, the wonderful person of the Son of God, our blessed Lord Jesus Christ. This glorious foundation of our faith often appears in the same context (Isa. 9:6; Mark 4:38-39; John 11:35-43).