Questions & Answers

Harold S. Paisley

Question: When Paul wanted Timothy not to hastily accept persons (by the laying on of his hands), was this in view of the recognition of elders in the local assembly? (1 Tim. 5:22)

Answer: In 1 Tim. 5:17-25, Paul has chiefly in mind overseers in the local assembly. The words "lay hands suddenly on no man" have in mind the appointment and recognition of elders, while the principle of careful restraint in accepting unknown and untried strangers can be applied. However, Timothy is given instruction not to lay hands suddenly on one who is seeking a place of oversight in a company of believers. The reason Paul gives is that in so doing, he may find himself implicated with their sins. Some ments sins are evident, but with others, time may be required to reveal their sin. Timothy might be unaware of the truth concerning some until too late. He must remember the purity of God’s assembly and not act hastily in the recognition of elders. This instruction is important in today’s testimony.


Question: Is the millennium a perfect age?

Answer: The millennium must not be envisaged as a perfect state, but it will be "times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord, and the times of the restitution of all things’t (Acts 3:19-21). It could be stated that the millennium will be the final probationary age of man. The sad end will manifest that man, though left without Satan’s presence, and in the delightful, perfect rule of the Prince of Peace, is incapable of improvement. Only the new birth can effect a human soul. The sad end of the millennium, when Satan is released from the bottomless pit, will be seen in the millions of men on earth who will gather to Satan’s standard and rebel against the world’s best King, since kings began to reign. Herein we have revealed the enmity of the heart of man and the unchanging character of Satan. This final worldwide assault against God and His Christ will be short-lived. Satan will be cast into the lake of fire, followed by all who have lived and died in all ages without salvation found alone in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. The end of the millennium, the one thousand year period when Christ will reign over the whole earth, will mark the end of time and will introduce the eternal state. The present year 2000 has no relationship to the coming one thousand years of the rule of Christ over this world.


Question: There is in evidence among many assembly Christians a revival of the endless and inconclusive controversies over the subject of predestination and free will over sovereignty and human responsibility. There are many ideas as to who have been chosen. Some argue for personal election and others with equal sincerity for collective election. What should younger believers do when confronted with this difficult subject?

Answer: The answer lies in the words of Psalm 131, "Lord, my heart is not haughty nor mine eyes lofty." Only one is the high and lofty one and He alone reserves the secret things. Hence, "I do not exercise myself in great matters or things too high for me" for God is in heaven and I on earth therefore in difficult questions let my words be few. The scriptures teach that man being a free will personality is associated with God who is sovereign. The counsels of God need not explanation for such things are too high and are too wonderful for me. The happy attitude of heart is to act with childlike faith and simply use the old picture of the parallel tracks on the railroad that seem to meet in the distance but remain the same. God’s methods are often parallel lines as His choice of individuals and yet the individual choice of the Lord by each one who upon hearing, believes the "whosoever will gospel" and is saved. The simple explanation given by Sir Robert Anderson is this: Over the outside of the door I see "whosoever will may come," and upon entering, I look back and see "chosen in Him before the foundation of the world." This places such infinite mystery beyond human comprehension.