Tribute: Oswald MacLeod (6)

Walter Gustafson

I’m thankful to God for all the many years of dignified service for our Lord Jesus Christ by our late esteemed brother, Oswald L. MacLeod. He was especially concerned for the spread of the gospel and strengthening of assembly testimony. He manifested that concern in his labors. He was deeply exercised to be at as many conferences in Pugwash Junction, Nova Scotia, as he practically could. He had been born, saved, baptized, and received into assembly fellowship there. I was also privileged to be at many of those conferences. He was a help there and at many other conferences besides.

I appreciated having a gospel series with him for six weeks in the fall of 1972 in Terryville, Connecticut. God graciously gave a little blessing in salvation.

The most valuable contribution to the assembly work of God, in my opinion, was his consistent continuance in simple scriptural principles of assembly truth and personal Christian living for all his many years of living for God.