Questions & Answers

Harold S. Paisley

Question: Is there anything to indicate who or what is meant by the words of 2 Thessalonians 2:6 "ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time." If they knew, may not we?

Answer: It is our understanding that the Holy Spirit is the One whose presence in the church maintains the Lordship of Christ and "He" the divine person of the Holy Spirit that hinders the manifes­tation of complete apostasy and the manifestation of the Antichrist. During the interval between the Rapture of the church and the coming of the Son of Man in glory, the Holy spirit's restraining power and influence having been removed, apostasy will be con­summated in Babylon the Great and the lawless man of sin and the energy of satanic power will be revealed as never before.

Question: I have a difficulty concerning the early believers "breaking bread at home" as recorded in Acts 2:46. Was this the same as the Breaking of Bread or the Lord's Supper in Acts 2:42?

Answer: It is our opinion that breaking bread in their homes (Acts 2:46 R.V.) was indeed the Lord's Supper. The significance of the statement is that while many church activities took place in the temple courts, the Breaking of Bread did not, but took place from home to home. The two expressions "Breaking of Bread at home" and "eating their meat (food) with gladness and singleness of heart" refer to two different actions. The first is the Lord's Supper, the latter their ordinary meals. It shows that the quietness and rever­ence of their own home was more suited to the "remembrance of the Lord" than the tumult and distractions of the temple precincts where many were coming and going - the lesson for the Lord's people presently being that an atmosphere of rest and peace is always necessary to communion and worship as is often expressed in song, "Shut in with Thee far, far above, the restless world that wars below, We seek to learn and prove Thy love, Thy wisdom and Thy grace to know."

Question: Are two events contemplated in Titus 2:13 or only one? Is "that blessed hope" the Rapture or the manifestation of the Lord Jesus to reign?

Answer: In considering Titus 2:13 the grammatical structure of this precious portion demands that the words should be under­stood as identifying "that blessed hope" with "the appearing in glory." There is no article in the Greek text before "appearing" as would be necessary were two events intended.

It should also be noted that the conjunction "kai," rendered in the verse as "and" is used as an explanatory word, hence we would believe that the blessed hope refers to the appearing in glory of our blessed Lord. That blessed hope and even the appearing of our Great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, it should also be stated that the Rapture is a blessed hope and may transpire at any moment.

Question: Please explain in Words in Season the words of the Lord to Pilate "he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin" (John 19: 11).

Answer: A number of answers have been given by Bible students who differ on the one who had the greater sin. It is evident that the Lord informed Pilate that he was not the chief sinner in the plot to put Him to death. Pilate said "Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered Thee unto me." Of these two, Caiaphas was the one who gave the counsel that it was expedient to sacrifice one man, even though blameless, than that the whole nation should perish (John 11:50), hence as the represen­tative of the guilty nation, he was responsible for "the greater sin rather than Pilate who gave the final sentence.